Our Social Structures:

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Who is working here, and who is just watching? Who is likely to be an honest, hardworking individual, forced accepting more workload, and who is more about talk?
I will use different colors for this text for the following reason.
It should be understandable for people who read little or are too burdened to rethink everything.
The language is simple so that people with an immigrant background or a poor education can understand it well.
The text may seem a bit long but is written as briefly as possible. Just take your time.
At first glance, the topics may seem complicated, but they are not.
A. Dark Blue: How our childhood imprinting or programming affects us throughout our lives.
B. Light Blue: Why does childhood imprinting have such power?
C. Dark Green: What if a child's brain is wrongly programmed?
D. Light Green: What do people with incorrect and faulty imprinting (programming) do about it?
E. Purple: How do most of these people behave in their everyday lives?
F. Brown: Societal Factors
G. Pink: Group Dynamics
H. Red: Family, Small Circles, and Companies:
I. Black: The Great Opportunity of the "U-Humans"
A. How our childhood imprinting* affects us throughout our lives
*Imprinting can also be understood as programming. Please remember the meaning of the word.
Many doctors and we at Chakrapsychologie & Swadyaya believe that people are most strongly influenced, psychologically imprinted (=programmed) in the first 3-4 years of life. Much more than afterward.
Unfortunately, it often happens that this imprinting is negative. If affected, its why we think we are not good, not good enough. We see ourselves as a person with many flaws and shortcomings.
B. Why does childhood imprinting have such power?
If the above is true, we should try to understand it. As we all know, a child of 3-4 years cannot speak properly yet (please read about the positive impact of yoga below*) They absorb many things automatically without fully understanding them. What the child sees, hears, and feels becomes information in its mind. However, it cannot remember it correctly. It's a bit similar to a computer program that isn't yet full functional while it's being uploaded.
It is proven that the brain is primarily shaped until the age of four. This prepares the child for life. Like animals, everything should work automatically (=instinctively). Or, in other words, it is programmed how this person should think automatically (instinctively) afterward.
*The earlier in life someone is affected by trauma, the worse it is. As a child, our communication is limited, and as a toddler, we have (almost) no verbal communication. The toddler understands and communicates with their body and with yoga, we attempt to correct negative influences. In a sense, we aim to help where verbal conversation reaches its limits.
C. What if a child's brain is wrongly programmed?
It's somewhat like a regular computer that doesn't work correctly with a wrong or bad program. Actually, despite everything is fine with the computer itself, it’s the program that is faulty. This is also the case with people and their brain. It's not them, but what has been done with their thoughts that is wrong and faulty. With computers, it's called faulty programming, with children and people, it's called faulty imprinting.
A case of a PC, the problem lies with those who program the computer. Soem programmers themselves don't understand proper programming. It's the same with people who give a child the wrong imprinting for their life journey. The wrong imprinting creates the wrong self-image (how we see ourselves). In reality, we are right, just as God created us. But the wrong imprinting is so convincing that we think we are flawed; just as if a computer has a corrupted program or a virus for example.
D. What do people with incorrect and faulty imprinting (programming) do about it?
As mentionned all people are actually quite normal, but affected by the wrong imprinting. There are essentially three ways to deal with the situation.
The most commonly used approach: these individuals convince themselves and others that there are no flaws. They claim there are no errors in their imprinting and that everything is fine with them. Let’s call them the N-person.
The following individuals think that they themselves are flawed. It is not recognized that only the childhood imprinting (their program in their head) is faulty and bad. They believe they are bad, flawed people. Let’s call them the U-person.
These last categorie of individuals understand that they are not wrong as human beings. However, they know that their imprinting (the program in their head) is faulty. They make an effort to acquire a new, better imprinting. They will one day be a happy person with a balanced mind.
E. How do most of these people behave in their everyday lives?
This behavior is not solely determined by individual people. Society plays an important role (more on this in the next section).
The first type (N-person) will hide, conceal, deny their flaws. Often, they attribute errors and everything negative to other people. They usually exaggerate what is good in them, often even inventing things. They do this to divert attention from their bad, wrong imprinting.
Believing they are flawed as human beings, it is very difficult for them to believe that only their imprinting (programming) is full of errors. The U-person most of time submits to the N-person(s), even if the N-person also have faulty imprinting, but unconditionally denies it.
The last category (typically a true Yogi or Stoicist) try not to be influenced by their imprinting. They recognize that they are right as human beings and that their imprinting (programming) is full of errors. Many of them are U-people who muster the courage to take new paths in life. They try to reprogram their minds.
F. Societal Factors
A neo-capitalistic system dominates our Western society. Profit is what matters. Many people don't even think about the influence of the system and society. However, it is worth thinking about it for people with wrong imprinting.
Winning in this society brings benefits, rewards, privileges. Losing brings disadvantages, punishment, and the withdrawal of privileges.
For example, in sales, we will hide the disadvantages of our product. We will excessively emphasize and describe the benefits. Especially, to ensure that no one notices the disadvantages. It is similar to what the N-person does with their imprinting. They do not admit mistakes or weaknesses and overemphasize qualities and strengths, whether justified or not.
Here's another example: Isn't it the same when introducing oneself? At a company, with friends, a potential partner. You show your best side and hide flaws out of fear of rejection.
It is clear that our society clearly privileges the N-person and imposes disadvantages on the U-person. This is also why there are many more N-people than U-people in our society.
G. Group Dynamics
As described in the societal factors, the N-person enjoys advantages. In this society, it is advantageous to lie and deny mistakes. And when many people lie, the N-person is not often reminded of their false self-image. The N-person then even feels validated in their correctness.
The U-person faces disadvantages. Since they do not deny their false self, they are constantly exposed to their false self-image and the wrong imprinting (they are always reminded of it).
If there are more N-people in a group, they will collectively attempt to deny the problems that have arisen due to their flawed conditioning. The most common diversionary strategy is to blame the mistakes on the U-people, who themselves are convinced of their flawed personality.
Therefore, usually there will be more N-people. A group dynamic and society dominated by N-people becomes the norm.
H. Family, Cliques, and Employers:
The influence of society affects more or less all people in society. That also includes the people in our family, acquaintances, and in the company we work.
Living in society is largely governed by law. Violating the law of course is punishable.
However, in the workplace, in social circles, but especially in the family, one's own rules apply. Regardless of whether they are right, moral, wrong, or even perverse or not. The family, which is also influenced by society, usually shapes our self-image (how we see ourselves) more than anything else.
Individuals with incorrect and faulty imprinting from their family usually end up in an environment with the same faulty imprinting ("social circle," company, marriage, partnership, etc.), as they are familiar to that more that to any other kind of an environment. Furthermore, the entire environment and our society can significantly reinforce the belief in the wrong imprinting (the false self-image) because this belief in the false self-image is reinforced from all sides.
I. The Great Opportunity of the U-person
Some N-people might answer certain questions in the questionnaire with "Yes" but will struggle to admit it in public. Because the N-person is usually too afraid to admit her or his weakness.
U-people have most likely answered many questions honestly with "Yes." U-people might even be open about it, however they will be cautious as they must be prepared for their openness to be punished.
For example, punishment by the withdrawal of privileges or worse. But also, that they will be reminded of their false imprinting, their false self-image, by the N-person. That they will be defamed. Perhaps you are affected by this too.
If so, I would like to point out the following: It can ultimately be the U-people, not the N-people, who are the truly privileged ones. You have much better chances to discover your true self and the true self-image that goes with it. The path may look rugged, but it doesn’t have to be. On the contrary, for many people I know, and for me, it has been a great adventure. None of us would ever want to go back! You, as a U-person, have many opportunities:
The opportunity to have the courage to answer the questions honestly with "Yes."
The opportunity to seek the truth instead of denying it.
The opportunity is that U-people usually strive to improve something throughout their lives. Because they believed they were flawed. Yet, they were born with no more or fewer flaws than other people.
The opportunity is that they are accustomed to hardship.
The opportunity is that, due to the difficult life situation (caused by our societies and N-people), they are more likely to seek and need a way out.
The opportunity that they seek to pursue this path in an honest manner.
The opportunity that they are honest people, and only with honesty can the truth be found.
The opportunity is that the truth lies within the true self.
The opportunity is that the true self exists in every person who embarks on the journey to find it.
We at Chakrapsychology & Swadyaya encourage everyone who has answered these questions for themselves to reconsider the fairy tale that they are flawed. Chakrapsychology & Swadyaya is a method that helps to distance oneself from the false self-image. Samkhya supports with beautiful and true stories that inspire people (give them courage). To check out what we do, click here...
To know more details regarding self-confidence, please click here...
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