What to expect in France?

For sure there isn’t much left to say about France and its long history as a cycling nation, however if you choose to cycle tour this country, it will provide a 1000+ stories. To discover it at your pace gives it a whole new dimension.
What is it about?
A unique life style – The French know how to enjoy life!
Good food and wine
Medieval and contemporary history
The pros for a cycle tourist:
A very dense network of side roads with almost no traffic
A nation where cycling is ingrained in its culture
Many cycle ways and a good infrastructure
Cycle touring can easily be combined with other activities
The challenges:
In the countryside the language barrier
In mountainous regions a certain degree of fitness is required
What kind of cycle tourists might appreciate France?
People who want to experience Europe at a pace that doesn’t miss out on anything
All those who have a weakness for good food & wine
Anyone who is intrigued by contemporary history