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My connection to Yoga & Chakra Psychology


Christophe and I have developed our workshops on Swadyaya (Chakra Psychology) together. The traumatic events of my past provided a solid foundation for development, particularly for the further development of workshops for people affected by complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Unlike Christophe, I unfortunately do not have a yoga diploma, but I make up for it with my life experience.

My background and life experience in relation to Swadyaya (Chakra Psychology):


Swadyaya, or Chakra Psychology, was something that fundamentally changed my life. It unveiled an enormous amount of manipulation, sheer violence, and deception that had blinded me. It brought the whole truth to light.

I know exactly what it feels like to be lost, abandoned, hopeless, and without a way out, full of self-doubt and self-criticism. I endured more than 14 years of physical violence, daily blows to the head, face, entire body, and the dislocation of limbs. Strangulation was just like the beatings: it often continued until I lost consciousness. This was even happening while I was sleeping and the fear was present 24h every day. I was also locked in the apartment for 13 contuous years, only allowed to leave with supervision and never alone; the doors were locked from the outside by the offender, his beloved ones and others. Added to this were the hours-long interrogation, repeated threats with a weapon, terrible loneliness, terror, psychological violence, blackmail, severe criticism and accusations, coercion into all sorts of things, with children (psychologically but not physically abused) being used as leverage. Due to constant threats and lack of support from those around me, there was never a way out. The worst part was being made to believe that everything was my fault. Conditioned by my childhood, which was marked by violence at school and emotional neglect, I began to believe it myself, causing immense guilt towards the children. After the accidental death of my abuser, the physical abuse ended, but his relatives did everything to cover up the truth, and so the torment continued for another 15 years. Since 2020, I have been able to a great extend to free myself from this situation, thanks to my openness to methods like Swadyaya, as well as gradually seeking help from a support organization for victims of violence (links here) and a psychotherapist.


What Swadyaya (Chakra Psychology) meant to me and what it can mean for other abuse survivors:


Even though psychological manipulation and lies left me confused about what was happening, I always had a strange feeling that something wasn't right. Swadyaya revealed and proved who was playing what cruel game with me. It was so incredibly perverse and evil that I couldn't believe it at the time; in a way, I couldn't or didn't want to accept it for psychological self-protection. But it was true, because Chakra Psychology and later the support organization for violence victims provided undeniable proof.

Chakra Psychology allowed me to distinguish the truth from the most brazen lies, even the most cunning and insidious ones, covered and secured by dozens of other lies. This realization paved the way to freedom, which, in my view, would never have been possible without faith and Chakra Psychology. And although it has taken time (over four years so far) and a lot of willpower and strength, it has revealed to me a beautiful life, and anyone who wants it and respects my boundaries is welcome to take part in it.


How I hope to contribute to helping others:


The difference between before and after is especially noticeable in the fact that before coming into contact with Swadyaya, I had to answer almost every question in our website's questionnaire with "YES"; thanks to Chakra Psychology, after 4 years this has completely changed, and I can now answer almost every question sincerely and honestly with a "NO." Instead of getting involved with the perpetrators again due to negative or even vengeful feelings, I prefer to use my energy in a positive way.

Since I managed to pull myself out of the mess, I want to provide guidance and support to those who want to change their existence with the help of Chakra Psychology and create a new foundation for their lives. Many may be afraid* to change anything, but I can only say that I finally feel truly alive instead of half-dead all my life, and I would take this path again anytime! Thanks God!

*There are various support and contact points in many places and countries that can now be found and contacted online. These organizations can provide you and your children with a safe environment and protect you. Find the courage to discreetly seek information (at this point NEVER inform the perpetrator or anyone else, even if you feel compelled to do so!!!), especially if you are experiencing physical violence

According Swiss law for example, perpetrators and accomplices of violence are legally punishable; failing to report violence and neglecting to provide assistance are also offenses and punishable by law.


What I hold on to in my life:


I let the loving God guide me. No matter how difficult it was, He never abandoned me. He was always with me and has always been the force that kept me from giving up. I have learned everything necessary to one day fulfill my unconscious dream: the dream of being able to help those who do not know how or no longer have the strength and courage to free themselves from a similar situation. I have realized that with Him, everything ultimately turns for the better and for good. For me, He is our Father who never gives up on us because His love is infinite.


Note from Christophe: how I see her


I have had the privilege of meeting many people thanks to my travels and long stays abroad. Hardly anyone I have met has had such a difficult fate as Alicia and it is a humbling experience the get to know about it, not even talking about the details. With no doubt she is the woman, even the human being with the most honest, sincere, and strongest character I have ever had the chance to know. Her iron will, perseverance, honesty, and selflessness despite incredibly difficult circumstances, but above all, her unwavering and unconditional faith in God are inspiring and impressive at the same time. Thanks to Alicia, I was and am able to reach for the stars. Thanks to her, I have also gained this unwavering faith (faith without ifs and buts), which brings me closer to my life goals. Even when it often doesn't seem so and takes time, looking back, I see that it was always the right thing. Alicia, with her huge heart, great enthusiasm, and positive energy, can inspire people and convey faith to anyone who is open to it. With her empathy and kindness, she is always there for others. She ensures that people, even during a process like Swadyaya, always feel that besides the loving God, there is also someone, a human soul who is emotionally present with them with all her heart.

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